In memory of...
Sinna Mota (PowaPowaP)
we thank them both, and may they rest in peace.
Nico Nico Cho Party 2015's VOCALOID/UTAU Live segment fr...
Luka is best Nonono slay wowowowowowowowowowow 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 8888888888888888888888888888888888...
Nico Nico Cho Party III's VOCALOID/UTAU Live segment from the last night of the event, April 27th, 2014.
Nico Nico Cho Party 2016 is coming back to the Sait...
lmao gakupo wth LEEEEEEEN YO NE? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETEEEEE SOYU TETO X IA i want this with defoko or momo momone teto is tun...
Nico Nico Cho Party II's VOCALOID/UTAU Live segment from the last day of the event, April 28th, 2013.
Nico Nico Cho Party 2016 is coming back to the Saitama...